Sunday, February 24, 2008

looks like trouble

I will dig a hole save my pennies for a rainy dayI will dig a hole savin' pennies for a rainy day I'm not scared I will build a wallsensin' trouble from a mile away I will build a wall saw it comin' from a mile awayI'm not scared I'm not scared try, wearin' your insides out I don't even try I know I have seen the best I'll have I don't even try I will just play dumb I won't hear a single word that's said and I will bite my tongue never sing another song again I'm not scared I'm not scared try, wearin' my insides out I don't even tryI know I have seen the best I'll have I don't even try never been one to take my chances I don't even try clouds are comin' air gets heavy looks like trouble on a rainy day sun starts sinkin'can't see my shadow looks like trouble on a rainy day holes uncovered walls will crumble all spells trouble on a rainy day

this pasted funny. Regardless, lyrics to the song Rainy Day by Guster. I like this song from the movie Life as a House. Its top 5 material on my all time movie list I might add. It's from a part in the movie where the main character Sam hits an all time low. Letting one of his friends talk him into prostituting himself. They could have really messed this scene up if they didn't do it well but I thought they did a good job. Either way, I gotta go to work!!

p.s. I recently realized that expecting a time of total relaxation in my life anymore is pointless. Life is about what you do not what you don't do.

Monday, February 18, 2008

the title

I almost forgot to add, I made an allusion to it in my first entry but then totally skipped out. Either way, the title of this blog ...around the world. Why "...around the world?" Because I was listening to Daft Punk's Around the World when I made this log. Here is a link to a cool video of theres.

In a rather odd news story, I stumbled upon this evening. Lindsay Lohan did a photo shoot for New York magazine with the guy who last shot Marilyn Monroe before she died of her overdose. Now I'll admit I really don't follow hollywood gossip at all and in fact dislike plenty enough but this was interesting for a number of reasons.

Lindsay Lohan has had a lot of drug problems lately.
Marilyn Monroe was in a similar stage and then died of an overdose a month later.
Same photographer(holy crap is he 80?) and an almost identical shoot.

But in short yea, I hope this isn't some eerie foreshadowing. link to the article here.

In short, today was a fun day. I had a really fun run by myself through the streets of Westerville. Also Class was inticing and educational.

so horray for that.

I am sad because tomorrow is my co-worker Stefanie's last day. My boss Rachel just left last week and both of them were really good people to know. At least I know they are moving on to bigger and better things, Stefanie has an internship at Columbia University and is moving to NYC and Rachel went on to be the manager of Worthington Public Library (#1 in the U.S. in its category of 2007). Them moving on has really made me decide I want to try for bigger and better things in my budding library career. I've been on the eye for the next job category up for me in the CML system. I could do the same thing in other systems but none will pay nearly as well as CML. And as they say "gotta pay dem bills son."

To end this article, I am posting a picture of me running at my most recent track meet (this past saturday). It's pretty neat. Props to Matt Dixon's girlfriend Shayla for being photographer.

another dollar, another day

Well, it's the beginning of a new week. Monday of Week 7 in the academic quarter at Otterbein and President's day on the national scale. President's Day means I have school, but I don't have to work. Makes a lot of sense right? I guess I should recap last night a bit. I was having a mental breakdown about a paper I have due for a class tonight because I didn't really know what to write about. Well, of course I got started this morning and am flying right through it. Funny how that works. Other than that didn't do a whole lot.

I've been listening to some Daft Punk lately, that's new.

I wish I had more free time to read.

Ok, so let's talk running really quick. I went out for the track team in 4th grade at my school because some friends were doing it. I started running decent in 6th grade and then began taking it somewhat seriously in 7th grade. Low and behold, 6 years later it is now well engrained within my daily routine. In fact, in the past 3 months now I've only had about 3 or 4 days not running. Such is the life. I run both track and cross country at Otterbein which is most of the time exciting. Although with as busy as I am, I sometimes wish I could just run whenever I was free in the day. Instead I pretty much have to structure my day around practice aka when I run 7 days a week. I suppose the accountability is important. And I don't really have too many friends outside of the team. Although I still attribute that mostly to the fact I don't live up on campus like everyone else. I typically run between 60-70 miles a week which honestly in most weeks anymore feels pretty easy to me. I'll be running closer to 100 within the next few years. I find it rather humerous when people tell me "wow, you run that much." For me, it's never about that. Especially since I know there are tons of people running more than that. It's all about perspective.

Well, I guess I don't have a whole lot else to say right now. Back to my paper!!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Back to the beginning

This title will summarize this blog in more ways then these next many thoughts will. I guess I should introduce myself first. Hi! My name is James, I am a nearly 21 year-old as well as a college sophomore at Otterbein College in Westerville, Ohio. I was born in raised in Gahanna, Ohio(the next Columbus suburb over from Westerville) my whole life. I enjoy music, running, the occasional good time, day dreaming, and contemplating life's great mysteries without all the pretentious bull shit of course. I work for the Columbus Metropolitan Library and it's a great experience. I have 2 siblings, an older brother, and an older sister and yes I still live at home. At Otterbein I am a history major, I plan to pick up a major in education as well, but have been putting off those classes because I don't have to take many of them, and the ones I have to take are pretty time consuming.

Either way, back to the beginning. For all of my high school years, I kept and maintained a blog over at However, with the busy-ness of college and a sense of maturing and growing up, I found myself removed from my blog there quickly. Well, it seems I am back now and at this site. I feel like this is a new beginning, and life's new beginnings are always something I tend to enjoy. Plus I might add, I feel like this blog site is perhaps more serving to the older crowd whereas livejournal was much more aimed at the teen crowd which I can no longer assosciate with. So here we are now.

I am nearly halfway through college already and it seems almost yesterday I was just applying. As I get older, it seems as if the days keep flying on by more and more. The hard times passing quickly is certainly a nice aspect. But the good times floating by so fast is certainly disappointing. I see myself gaining more responsibilities and becoming more independent daily. My own mother often tells me "James, you are a grown man." An acceptance I once found I wanted so badly as a high school lad but am now sometimes wearly to accept. I am busy I will admit that with the given level of responsibilities I undertake but acceptance of adult hood is difficult. I always felt like at one point you just wake up and realize "Oh I am grown up." But I realize now that this is simply a misconstrued ideal. We are never grown up, grown up implies that we are done growing and we as humans are always changing, always striving for bigger and better things. It's the essence of what keeps us alive. If we had nothing exciting to live for, and everything in our life was "done." Well what the hell would be the point of that?

I contradict myself somewhat in saying this, but a lot of me wants to say fuck it to most of my human brothers and sisters are searching for in life. Money, Success, Fame, Glamour (to quote Party Monster) is just more self absorbed self-masturbation, self-perservation. I want to do stuff with my life, but I really don't care if I get remembered for it. Attention seeking, glory hoarding. It bothers me, but well that's that. I am not going to go on a anti-humanity route I just started on.

On a more pleasant note, I don't expect anyone to really get into this blog other than myself. But than again it's for my own sanity's sake.
